Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time - Gravity - Space

Have you ever thought..."this is the "modern" age. We know almost everything about the universe in which we live" I have....when I was younger. I thought this was a time where scientists knew almost everything and would surely know everything in my lifetime. However the more you look around you and look into space, the more you realize we know almost nothing. Most deep. important things taught today in schools are hypotheses. Even plate tectonics...let alone the nature of gravity, time, space and the relationship between them. This is a big deal. If we learn the truth of this relationship it would be the biggest discovery ever in history.

Anyway, I just get thinking about this stuff on Sundays when my brain is not full of useless crap from the day to day horse shit that fills our lives. If more people thought about it, maybe we would figure it out. Think about it.

I happen to believe mankind knows more than we think possibly from reverse-engineering alien spacecraft and has probably explored our solar system and has advanced knowledge about space, time and gravity. I believe they (whoever they are) are suppressing the knowledge for reasons unknown.

This is my boring (for most of you) thought of the day #2.


  1. Maybe you should be going to church on Sundays and you would find out the answers to all your big questions! Ha Ha Just Kidding!

  2. It's mind blowing how almost everything we think of as rules of existence (time, gravity, space, dimensions, physics) that we consider mathematically proven and as fact are really not that at all and we cannot understand even the concept of not having those things. Another interesting phenomenon is the singularity of supermassive black holes, where NONE of the above things apply or exist (time, space, gravity, light).
    I think this has been one of your top 3 posts of all-time!
    (I really liked the one about Living for the Day and flying a freaking kite).

    Take it easy Mud... Matt

  3. Oops, left out the link...
