Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Windows XP - Vista - 7

I have been a Windows user for about 10 years. I started with 98 and have used XP (a lot) and now Vista (which I love) and will go to Windows 7 next. I had one issue moving from XP to Vista. A driver issue with Nvidia like everyone else. I LOVE Vista. I understand the people who think it's the worst thing ever but also am pretty sure those people 1. don't like change 2. had out-dated hardware 3. had new hardware and drivers were hard to find or did not exist. I understand the issues somewhat. We all know what our choices are. Windows or Mac. I know there are others out there but they really aren't on the same plane as Windows and Mac. I am not going to pay Apples prices...period. I got my system on sale on line for $350 and got Vista Home Premium 64 bit, 500GB hard drive, 4GB of ram, and an AMD Phenom CPU. You just can't get this kind of system if you want a Mac without forking over the $$. I have no issues with XP, Vista, and doubt I will have any issues with Windows 7. Microsoft will continue to rule the OS world and that's that. If you have extra money and want a Mac....more power to you. I'm sure it's a fine (maybe better) OS. The rest of us will continue with Microsoft so we can get software that runs on our computers and a platform we are familiar with so we can help our friends, families, and co-workers with their computer issues. That's my thought of the day.

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