Thursday, January 8, 2009


I look around me and wonder...Why do men and women still get married? It is painful to even witness. Do people just need someone to fill their empty lives? Life is too short, why be unhappy day after miserable day? Every married couple I know has big problems. They may put on a show in public but when they are home and nobody is looking it is chaos. Do people need the drama to fill in the emptiness in their lives?. Does it work? It sure doesn't work for me. People put up with a lot to not be alone. Admittedly, I would rather be with someone who loves me and worships the ground I walk on....however, this kind of game is reserved for dating and it goes away quickly. Stay single. Date. Don't let those funny feelings in your gut effect your long term decision making ability. That's my thought of the day.


  1. I totally agree! (just to make Loni mad) haha

  2. This IS Loni...very funny Hunny!

    I could write a book about this just for you Nate but I won't. I will limit myself to saying this:

    Anything worth having is working for. When they are home and nobody is looking there may be chaos, but there are also moments of love, compassion, kindness, romance and magic that easily outweigh the chaos.
    Marriage is not for everyone, agreed. Some people cannot handle it and should not get married. However there are some that COULD if they were willing to share themselves and were not afraid of being hurt, not afraid to love and be loved.
    Marriage is not easy by any stretch of the imagination, if it was everyone would do it and everyone would be successful at it.
    There is no shame in putting ones self out there to experience another human being in a way that brings peace, happiness and a sense of belonging and protection against the cold, cruel world. Sharing your talents, thoughts, spirit with another person is a selfless, fulfilling, amazing, difficult experience like no other.
    Knowing you are not going it alone.Knowing you are creating something between two people. Something that will live on even after you both are long gone. And being able to say you loved and allowed yourself to be loved in return.
