Saturday, June 20, 2009

I built a computer!

I have been into computers for years. I love tinkering with them and using them in general. I have been ordering parts one or two at a time for a few months and reading about how to build and configure a computer. I have been interested in computers since my dad got an Apple IIc when I was about 10 years old. I remember sitting at that computer for hours typing in code! I'll bet he forgot about that. Anyway, I got my last parts last week and just finished building it. I am "stress testing" the CPU right now. It's a great feeling to build something I will use for years. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning.


  1. Wow! I'm impressed! Is it cheaper than buying one?

  2. Holy Smokes! I didn't know you were that close to getting it done. Does it work? I have wondered where my geek squad guy was, and now I know!
