Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happiness. Is it possible?

Does everyone wake up every day dreading the day ahead of them? Are there certain types of people who are better off working for themselves because of their personality type and set of circumstances.

I have worked very hard for a long time. I got up every day, went to work, did a great job, and dreaded it but considered myself fortunate. Almost every day has been a struggle. Does everyone wake up every day dreading the rest of the day? It's like living in a prison. I feel like a prisoner. Just a prisoner being transferred to another prison with a small, short taste of freedom in between.

Are there certain types of people who need to be entrepreneurs? To work for themselves? I would happily give up most luxuries to be happy. Is it possible to enjoy life? How many people enjoy life? Not many I'll bet. I know it's possible to be happy and life is shorter than we think. Life is short, but doesn't seem that way sometimes. When we look back is when we wonder where all the time went.

I think I am a person who needs to work for himself to be happy. Life is too short to waste dreading every day. Also, I don't know if a person can take the mental anguish for an entire lifetime. I wish I could retire or live in a hippie commune in the Nevada desert. Well.....Maybe not the commune but you know what I mean.

Maybe it's just the way you look at things. Maybe it's all attitude. I don't know.


  1. I think happiness is a choice... no matter your situation. But obviously you can only "fake" it or "try" so much. You get worn out. Go for it! Living a simpler life so that you can work for yourself and be happy sounds like a great plan. You can only know if it will work if you try it!

  2. Hmmmm, I know the feeling. I honestly sometimes think that only certain types of people can be happy.

  3. I think happiness is a choice too. But you have to be brave enough to make hard choices to get it. Sometimes the circumstances make it harder to be truly happy. I know I pray that my kids will all be happy some way or another. the scriptures say "Man is that he may have joy" so do what it takes to make it happen. I'm really proud of you at least trying it out!
