Sunday, February 28, 2010

New camera!

I have been "into" photography for a long time. I set out to learn all about it, but found there is no end to the learning. It's an art. Like any other art, there is no end to the possibilities photography provides. In late 2006 early 2007 I got a new Canon G9. It was a "high end" camera with all the settings and options available. I loved that camera. I sold it last week and replaced it with a new one. The new one has some different options and newer technologies. The new camera is the Canon "SX20-is" (image stabilization) The new one is actually not quite as "high end" as my old one, but I can still do almost everything and a lot of different stuff. I can't wait to get shooting pictures.

I have "seller's remorse" because I spent so much time getting to know that camera. I know it sounds crazy, but I really am regretting selling that camera. haha I have spent two days experimenting with the SX20is and it seems to be a good replacement. It has a powerful zoom lens built in. With the old one I had to spend 10 minutes taking it apart to attach the zoom lens. The new one takes AA batteries. The old one needed batteries specially made for it and I could only charge them with an outlet at home. With AA batteries, I have already found rechargeable ones I can charge in my car or at home in 15 minutes. ANother really neat thing about the new one is the LCD screen rotates and you can point it in any direction. It should be very handy. It also shoots HD video.

This post is to document when I got this camera so I can look back on this day and see how it worked out. I can still be the "designated photographer" for Dad, Emily, and Mom when you guys need stuff done, in fact, I am looking for some test subjects.

The pictures you see are of my new camera. The Canon SX20 is.

I almost forgot, I picked up a little point and shoot too! This would be great for any of you reading this. It's a Canon SD780is. This one is the size of a credit card and shoots HD video too!


  1. Wow, I'm thinking you should set up a computer/camera shop! You are going to be a pro on both. I didn't know you were going to get a new camera, maybe I should have got your old one, although I'm sure it was too hi tech for me. Can't wait to see the new pics.

  2. wow!! did you get the pics i sent you? wanna take some pics of my boy?

  3. I want you to take pics of me and Mae!

  4. Saw the baby camera in person and it is sweet!
