Saturday, January 30, 2010

Family pictures from July 24th

I had almost forgotten about the family pictures mom made me take on July 24th 2009. It's a good thing we did them. They will be fun to look at in 10 years. There are also good ones of the different families and couples and me, Matt, Em, Rae, and Sar. Anyway, I'm glad we got them now. Maybe we can do it every 5 or 50 years.

Here is the link to the family one :

Sunday, January 3, 2010

First entry of 2010

Well, I thought it would be a good idea to make an entry into my little blog. 2009 is over and it was about like every other year. I really got going down the road to computer heaven this year. Last year about this time I decided to start saving for a new computer. I started to put $20 into an online account here and there. In May I had done so much research into the subject I had the knowledge to build one. (I thought) so I started ordering parts. Within about a month or two I had all the parts I needed and started building. It was one of the best experiences I have had. I cannot remember something I felt so passionate about.

On the other side of the spectrum, my work is about ready to move out of the office they have had for like 30 years in Murray. They don't even have a place for me yet. It sounds like I will be driving to North Salt Lake every day to an office they have there. I even heard talk of me having to work in a double-wide trailer. The thought of driving up there and back every day makes me want to puke. Hopefully it will go okay, I need to pay the bills and just as importantly have good health insurance.

That's what's going on with me these days. I also recently got a laptop and new router. A router takes your internet connection and splits it into many connections and also makes it wireless. I have been playing around with it quite a bit. I have also been into networking since I got my laptop. I got a new router and after only one day I flashed it with open source firmware. (just some guys code, written in his basement) In other words, I ruined it and fixed it and now it's not even the same router I got. It now can do things only a $1000 network appliance could do. Doing this stuff is not easy and it's not for the faint of heart. I spent hours doing it. Maybe I will use the knowledge some day.

By the way, now that it's 2010....please don't say it "two thousand and ten" just say "twenty ten" please....thanks.